최근까지 급상승한 금리와 임플레로 인해 캐나다 인들의 2023 새해 목표중 가장 큰 비중을 차지한 항목이 바로 기존 '빚 갚기' 라는 설문 결과가 나왔습니다.
CIBC 가 지난 연말 조사한 설문결과는 지난 해 채무가 늘어났다고 답변한 사람이 네 명중 한 명이고, 이와 함께 73%의 사람들이 곧 닥칠 경기불황에 대한 드려움을 느끼는 것으로 조사되었습니다. 63% 정도는 재정압박을 견뎌낼 준비를 하고 있다고 긍정적 답변을 하긴 합니다만, 갈수록 현명한 빚테크가 더욱 절실해진 시점입니다.
(source : CTV news)
Top goal in new year for Canadians is repaying debt: CIBC poll
The new CIBC logo displayed on a flag in front of its headquarters in Toronto on Monday, Oct. 25, 2021. CIBC says a New York court has issued a liability ruling against the Canadian bank in a lawsuit brought by Cerberus Capital Management LP. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Evan Buhler
Repaying debt is the number one financial goal for Canadians welcoming 2023, according to CIBC’s annual Financial Priorities poll.
The top financial concerns, CIBC reports, are inflation, rising interest rates and general recessionary fears, underscored by 55 per cent of Canadians believing they need to get a grip on financial uncertainties.
The poll also indicates that one in four people say they have incurred more debt in the last year.
"The current economic environment has, understandably, prompted Canadians to re-assess their financial priorities for 2023," said Carissa Lucreziano, CIBC's vice-president of financial and investment advice, in a press release.
"When things feel uncertain, it's important for people to focus on what is in their sphere of control. A financial professional can help Canadians plan for the unexpected and feel confident when faced with challenges in the year ahead."
But added to the mix is the looming possibility of a recession next year, which the majority of poll participants (73 per cent) claim to be worried about.
Despite these worries, most participants (63 per cent) still feel financially prepared to weather the storm, and 59 per cent believe their financial situation can withstand a recession entirely.
The poll also identified that other top priorities leading into 2023 include keeping up with bills and growing investments, and secondary financial objectives include increasing savings, avoiding debt (24 per cent) and saving for a vacation.
The poll also broke down major reasons that Canadians have chosen to take on more debt, including day-to-day expenses that surpass monthly incomes (34 per cent), higher cost of borrowing (16 per cent), home repairs (14 per cent) and unexpected financial emergencies (16 per cent).
“Whether you're on track to meet your financial goals in 2023 or you're worried about what the future may hold, we recommend seeking the guidance of a financial expert who can help implement a plan to help you achieve your ambitions this year," Lucreziano said.